Friday 9 August 2013


Get this get that; pack those, buy these; quick! where have the passports gone! Four days 'till liftoff and then it's onwards to Tanzania. Bloody 'ell. Making a quick blog post is one of the items on the list; so here is "The Packing Blog Post" *dramatic music*

I'm going to try not to simply post a long list of everything I have to pack, but it will be challenging; considering that is what the entirety of the contents of my head is focused on. I've abandoned all hopes of personal hygiene for the duration of the ... "Packing!" *more dramatic music* as I find my self sucked in to a never ending pit of packing clothes; taking clothes out again to wear them; washing them; and so on. Solution; wear the same clothes and worry about packing the other things. Cheaty, I know; but I can't think of any better ways. I'm still trying very vigilantly to not let (toothbrush)this post degrade (camera) into a big (where's the phone charger! where's the phone charger!) list of things I (I still need to get the table top mic stand for the interviews!) need to get together before (what? I cannot comprehend this video editing software! What was the other one??) Tuesday (aaaaargh! where's my deodorant gone! It was just right here by the sink yesterday!) the thirteenth (playing cards) (chocolate) (extra memory card for the camera) (camera stand for the interviews....) (......) ........

PS: Yes, of course chocolate is a necessary item to pack.

1 comment:

  1. This is a test comment. I have a blogger/google account. I shall try again logged out after this.
